Technological trends in construction for 2020

The construction sector has been preparing itself for a long time for real digital transformation. After a period in which it had difficulty adopting the new technologies, these will quickly transform the sector in 2020.
If in the past, the construction sector had difficulty adapting the changes in technology to everyday procedures, now it is making a gradual change and the sector accepts and incorporates technology progressively. With more and more conviction, construction companies incorporate new technologies that facilitate and modernize processes. These go from new materials for construction to robotics and IoT. Let’s look at some of the technological trends for 2020.
Virtual and augmented reality
Virtual reality allows supervision of all elements separately, with a very high level of detail, even before the project starts. With it, you can take virtual journeys and therefore improve conditions, safety and progress. Augmented reality offers a digital vision to obtain information on design, risks, conditions and the productive performance of projects. With the application of this technology, the expectations of the project better adjust to future reality.
The use of drones allows you to see the status of the job, updates and advances of the construction in real time. It is a very efficient tool to detect weak points in work safety in situ. It is also used to map the building and carry out inspections.
It will create more intelligent and safer work environments. This system of sensors, combined with a central control system can be programmed to monitor anything, supervise the job, control the workers, give notifications and inform about emergencies, report activity, make orders, control material, etc.
Robots and exoskeletons
Robots are used for repetitive and dangerous jobs. The exoskeletons protect workers from injuries and are being more frequently used. The technology and efficiency of these cutting-edge devices have improved significantly.
Predictive analytics
Predictive analysis manages enormous quantities of data in order to find patterns to be more efficient in predicting and providing different solutions and alternatives when facing problems.
All of these technologies require improved connectivity. 5G and Wifi6 technologies provide reliability and the speed necessary for all the computer processes required by projects with a large volume of data.