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Scenario of the Electronic Invoice in the construction sector
After the approval of the Law of Creation and Business Growth, better known as the "Crea y Crece" law, the implementation of the mandatory Electronic Invoice in commercial transactions between companies and freelance becomes a fact
New Law on waste and contaminated ground, key for ecological and digital transition
Sustainability is one of the most worrisome aspects in construction. This feeling has become stronger in recent years and as a result, the European Union has outlined some objectives concerning matters of prevention, collection, evaluation, reuse and recycling for 2025, 2030 and 2035. In order to comply with the established objectives, the Government has passed the Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated ground for the circular...
Construction adds a new material, more ecological and sustainable
Three vocational training students from Burgos won the national technological innovation contest, Gigas with a revolutionary invention: a new material for construction made out of fungus fiber.
Is the future of construction prefabricated?
More and more, people are interested in modular or prefabricated housing. Their quick construction and low cost make them a perfect solution for those with little time and a tight budget
More technology, less work accidents in construction
Construction work has always been characterized as rough and, mostly dangerous. This leads to a very high index of work accidents, even in terms of accident rates, in comparison with other sectors