Construction faces a new crisis, lack of supply

The study published by the National Confederation of Construction, Impact of the rise of raw materials in construction, alerts that the increase in prices of raw materials such as copper, steel, Wood or aluminum has put the feasibility of many projects and delivery dates in danger. Also, the rise in prices derived from the lack of raw materials has provoked the paralysis of four out of ten construction companies.
Juan de Soto, technical director of the Real Estate agency, Locare comments that the rise in prices generates great instability in the sector, because "there are occasions when raw materials The study published by the National Confederation of Construction, Impact of the rise of raw materials in construction, alerts that the increase in prices of raw materials such as copper, steel, Wood or aluminum has put the feasibility of many projects and delivery dates in danger. Also, the rise in prices derived from the lack of raw materials has provoked the paralysis of four out of ten construction companies.
are practically auctioned when they are available, so their prices can suffer enormous variations."
Soto adds a new element to this crisis situation for the sector which is that companies that are dedicated to transforming raw materials into products ready to be used in the projects have increased their prices due to factors such as the cost of energy. This price escalation has caused a chain effect for all parties involved in the process.
In Catalonia, contractors have asked the Public Administrations find a solution to the steep escalation of the price of raw materials, which has caused projects awarded in 2020 to not be carried out.