The new electronic invoice law in the relation between contractors and subcontractors of the Public Administration

The law came into force on July 1, 2018.
The Contract Law 9/2017, states that invoices sent by subcontractors to contractors of the Public Administration must be sent electronically using a single electronic register, whenever the amount is over 5,000€.
The date this law came into force was July 1, 2018.
Therefore, as of this date, subcontractors must issue invoices for amounts higher than five thousand in facturae format and resend them to the electronic invoice entry point implemented by the government called Single Electronic Register (REU) through the platform FACeB2B.
On their part, contractors must collect their invoices at the REU.
Meanwhile, contractors will continue sending invoices to the Public Administration, also in facturae format through the different electronic invoice entry points such as FACe, AOC, PeFAC, PUEF, among others.
Therefore, the use of electronic invoicing is growing in Spain. The electronic invoice in the private sector has started its expansion with the B2B related to Public Administration.
The increase of the use of the electronic invoice is forecasted in B2B to be exponential in the upcoming years because, on one hand, the necessary structures are already in place and, one the other hand, the benefits of electronic invoicing are more than proven.
eDiversa has already adapted its systems to electronic invoicing to offer its clients the best service possible, both manually and automated, whatever their needs may be.