Real estate developers present a plan to reactivate construction

The real estate sector wants to be the motor of economic reactivation to overcome the crisis caused by the coronavirus. For this, the Association of Developers and Constructors of Catalonia (APCE) has proposed a series of measures for the Public Administrations that intend to generate new jobs and tax revenue while also covering the housing needs of the population.
In a telematic press conference, the president of the Association of Developers and Constructors of Catalonia, Lluís Marsà, asked the local administrations to create an emergency plan to reactivate the real estate sector and make it the first step of the economic reactivation. To do this, they presented a set of measures grouped under the slogan: “Rebuilding the sector also rebuilds Catalonia.”
The promoting entities propose measures that do not involve any public costs and can be immediately approved, such as streamlining the applications for planning permission and bids for public land for private companies that want to build social housing for rent. This, according to the APCE, could create up to 60,000 jobs and tax revenue around 1,500 million euros.
It is also important to highlight the petition of a public-private pact between the Generalitat, the city halls and the developers that promotes the creation of housing stock for rent and sale which covers three typologies of housing: free, protected and social. The developers call for the transfer of rights of developable surfaces and the ability to manage the promotion of protected rental housing accessible during a specific period of time which, when completed, the surface and the building would revert back to the Administration.
The set of measures asks for the reduction of VAT for the transfer of surface rights from the current 21% to 10%, and a revision of the maximum sale and rental prices.
As a last measure, the APCE has asked the Barcelona City Hall to remove the enforceability of the 30% reservation of housing development for social purposes. The argument to formulate this request is that this measure creates a contradictory result by diminishing the new housing offer.