Public Works up after the pandemic

Publics works tenders are back to the same figures as in 2019. After the decline caused by the pandemic, normality is back on track.
The health crisis caused by Covid-19 has become an economic crisis. The construction sector, as well as many other state sectors, has also been affected. However, the negative impact has been much less than in other areas of business.
2020, the year of maximum impact of the pandemic, recorded a 22.9% decrease in public works tenders nationwide, compared to 2019.
According to data from Seopan, the Association of Construction Companies and Infrastructure Dealers, during the first five months of this year 2021, has seen an increase in tenders of 74.5%, 8,741 million euros, compared to the same dates from the previous year.
The Ministry of Transportation has received the most contracts or bids from public tenders, a total of 2,020 million euros. Adif has positioned itself the highest with bids valued at 1,167 million euros, multiplying last year’s figure by 7.
From the total of bids, the majority is for civil works, with 5,679 million, which is a 67.8% increase.
The autonomous community with the most public concessions is Catalonia, with 1,464 million, 111% more than in 2020.
All indications are that the figures will continue in this positive direction due to the injection of Next Generation funds, with a 7% boost expected.
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