The construction industry is looking for qualified workers

The construction sector is going through a very good period as far as volume of work. So much so that construction employers have appealed to society to find qualified workers.
The number of vacancies has risen to 700,000, and not only professional builders are being sought, but also experts in other areas in which the construction sector is gradually moving towards in order to become better and more respectful for people and the ecosystem.
In recent years, construction has experienced a 180º turnaround in terms of customer requirements. Also in terms of the infinite solutions that can be given to these requirements nowadays.
One of the concerns of today's society is the environment, so the sector is committed to more sustainable construction, from the moment the projects are planned to the implementation of improvements for the efficiency of basic services. This is achieved through the use of sustainable materials for the construction of new buildings and the installation of tools to reduce consumption, such as solar panels for electricity or rainwater collection.
Digitalization has also reached the construction sector, although the arrival of 5G predicts that it will be noted more. For this, telecommunications engineers, in a short time, will become regular workers in this sector.
Another aspect in which there is room for improvement in the world of construction is occupational health, being one of the sectors that records a very high rate of work accidents. For this reason, many new jobs are also proposed for experts in this field, in order to reduce this figure and achieve a safer profession.
The employers' association also emphasizes the great opportunity that these vacancies open up for the unemployed, young people and women to enter a sector where they are not usually present.
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