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Energy efficiency in the home: Is it just a fad for rich people or a new means of savings?
Everyone knows the benefits for the planet of an adequate use of environmental resources, but not all of us are aware that it can also be very financially profitable. Is energy efficiency in housing a fad for people with resources or a new way to save? In this post we clear up all doubts.
The need to change for a more sustainable tomorrow
The Sustainable Development Agenda requires notorious changes in our traditional procedure models if we want to be able to fulfill them
Plastic constructions
UN Habitat proposes a quick, economic and sustainable solution to build in the less favored areas: innovate in the construction methods used
Construction as a solution to unemployment
Experts in construction point out the relevance of the sector as a key factor in fighting the economic crisis and high levels of unemployment affecting our country as a result of the coronavirus pandemic
Focusing on women’s training in construction
The City hall of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat has started, for the third consecutive year, the project ‘Women Build’, which includes the collaboration of the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Construction Labor Foundation)